Rampage Undercover
While lurking at the news group on mom's Webtv,I found
this information .
This is posted from my auntie Regina, and I believe her to be an inside
source, since the party is being hosted at her house this year.
Now this is how she say you can get an award |
"1. dress up your e-mail in Halloween or Horror.
2. dress up your self...either through description
or a gif you find
here on the web.
3. Make up a halloween food...and describe it
4. if you want dress up one fur face...and describe
him...Judy2 sent
some cute pics of hers, I did the imaginary and wrote
about it.
5. HAVE FUN...this is all imaginary!! But if
you can find a pic (gif)
here on the web, and attach it, it is better.
...Now a hint if you post an e-mail to the ng say
with draculas pic on
it, that-mail will stay as it is, even if you go and
change it later.
Scroll back to an old date and you can see what Judy
was wearing two
months ago. So you can post in different things and
we will all be able
to see what you posted that day....."
Now this I found from my auntie Carol (Izzy's
mom)....a look at the awards you can have just for showing up.

Here are some shops to get you some goodies for your e-mail

Haunting memories
Fun quick sigs
Sig shop tooHALLOWEEN SIG MAKER version 5.0