My Page

Does this look familiar to everybody?? It was my first decorated email, & no I didn't do it I was just a rookie then. It was in 1999 when I first come into the group. All I knew how to do then is send mail & receive mail

I first bonded with Joyce & Regina they took me under their wings. They started teaching me how to decorate my email page. I have to tell you, I got so so so aggravated I would try so so hard & still couldn't get it. I knew what I wanted but had the darndest time getting it all in there & sometimes I still do, as you can see

Anyway Joyce being the sweetie she is typed it all out how it was to go in my sig box & I printed it out & still have that today. COOL HUH?? So today i tried to get it all in there but didn't do too good But anyway this should look familiar to most all of you

Next I started bonding with Carol & she would pick up Regina & Joyce's slack What I mean is she helped me learn too. I was always knocking on there doors heeehaa I can be a little pest right Judy I started bonding with Judy around Easter time. Remember carrottop?? She's taught me all kinds of neat stuff toooo. I can't leave out Kat she taught me how to put more then one gif on a line So you see I can do all kinds of neat things because of these wonderful friends. Critter(Katie) is another sweetie, She makes good gifs & gave me my first award to my first page.

But you know I can just tell you if your new to this group or maybe your just stumbling in across us. Either way if your fortunate enough to have found this group, you will learn as I have. That they (WE) all stick together through thick & thin.

I got deathly sick & laid in the hospital for 2 months & on like support for 2 weeks. The Doctors didn't think I would make it. Well let me tell you this wonderful group of people all pulled together & PRAYED & made GIFS to go on there emails. They even made me a GET WELL BOOK, & they all signed it even people I had not even met yet. It was there PRAYERS that have pulled me through & I am forever grateful & when I am thanking GOD for my many blessings, I stop & thank HIM for ALL of you.

 So you see theres so much love in this group & before long you will feel it wrap around your heart too. So today I send out many many many HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS to all the girls. Yes Dor (Dolly) you too & Oh can't forget our wonderful Artist of the group Linda. Be sure you check out her "SCRATCH ART" its so beautiful!!!!


 VALERIE (VAL) IN ALABAMA Val and the babies